Private Reiki Therapy Journey

Unlock your true potential through the transformative power of energy healing. As an experienced practitioner, I specialize in a harmonious blend of auric massage and the ancient art of Reiki. Prepare to embark on a remarkable journey of rejuvenation and self-discovery.

Reiki is a process by which spiritual, mental, and psychic issues are repaired equally. Reiki offers high vibration energy that brings a completely beneficial, healing treatment. Reiki brings optimism and inner harmony. Reiki treats the whole, brings harmony to our three bodies: spiritual, energetic and physical. Reiki brings healing and pleasant sensations of relaxation, peace, tranquility and a state of wellbeing accompanied by optimism.

During your session, the gentle guidanxe of auric massage and the soothing energy of Reiki will intertwine, creating a symphony of healing vibrations. Experience the profound relaxation that comes with aligning your body, mind, and spirit. The overwhelming consensus from those who have experienced Reiki is a sense of tranquility, inner peace, and a newfound equilibrium

1 Hour Energy Healing Session............…............$75

90 mins…………….$125

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The Body Remembers - Greif Movement & Reiki

Based on the teachings of Paul Denniston, Founder of Grief Yoga. Experience a transformative movement session centered on compassionately navigating emotions like sadness and anger, facilitated by the integration of movement, breath, and sound. This practice, conducted from a seated position, prioritizes emotional liberation over physical flexibility, acknowledging the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit.

In addition to movement techniques, you will have the option to be supported by Reiki, further enhancing the release of emotional blockages and promoting healing on a deeper level. Recognizing that pain and struggle can manifest in the body, this event aims to unlock stored emotions, allowing for the expression and release of tension.

Rather than attempting to rationalize pain, the focus is on moving through it with compassion and understanding. Through this holistic approach, participants can inspire one another to release struggle and connect to love, harmony, and peace, fostering a space for new insights, appreciation, and forgiveness on their journey of self-discovery and healing.

1 Hour Grief Movement Session............…............$75

90 mins…………….$125

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Private Energy Healing Circle

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Experience the power of energy healing with your inner circle of friends and loved ones. Introducing private energy healing sessions, tailored exclusively for your group. No need to worry about conflicting schedules or crowded public events.

Gather up to 5 participants (custom arrangements available for employers or larger groups) for an extraordinary energy healing journey, complemented by the enchanting therapy of sound. Delve into the depths of healing and connection in an intimate setting.

As an experienced energy healing practitioner, I combine the transformative practices of auric massage and Reiki, an ancient Japanese technique renowned for its rejuvenating effects. Those who have experienced Reiki consistently describe a deep sense of relaxation, harmony, and renewed vitality.

Whether you're looking to introduce your friends, family, or even colleagues to the world of energy healing, this private journey awaits you. Strengthen bonds, nurture well-being, and embark on a collective path to enlightenment. Discover the transformative power of energy healing within the company of those closest to you.

1 1/2 Hour Private Energy Healing Gathering (5 attendees or less - including you)…….$250