Experience the gift of Reiki to remove energy blocks, heal, and attract positivity into your life. If you have never experienced Reiki before, this is an opportunity to experience it in a safe and supportive environment.

Join us for a restorative Yin Yoga & Reiki Workshop this September and November as we wind down into the fall season. This workshop is designed to help you find time for rest and reciprocity, allowing you to deeply relax and rejuvenate.

During this special event, immerse yourself in a soothing blend of Yin Yoga and Reiki designed to release tension, increase flexibility, and promote holistic healing. The gentle, long-held poses of Yin Yoga will prepare your body and mind for the deeply relaxing energy of Reiki. As you rest in yogic bliss, receive optional hands-on or distance Reiki to enhance your restorative experience.

Allow yourself to unwind and reconnect with your inner self in a nurturing and supportive environment. This workshop is a perfect opportunity to prioritize self-care and embrace the transformative power of rest and reciprocity as we transition into the fall season.

Event Details:

Date: September 15th & November 17th

Time: 12:30--2:30PM

Location: Souls Center Spokane

Offering: $35-$70

In-person & Online Offering

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This September, immerse yourself in the ​elemental magic of nature as we honor the ​Fall Equinox with a special gathering at ​Souls Center Sanctuary. In celebration and ​collaboration you’ll be guided through the ​essence of water, creating an opportunity ​to connect deeply with this fluid and ​transformative element.

During this workshop, you’ll craft your ​own herbal tea blend and smudge sticks, ​harnessing the healing power of nature. ​Take these treasures home as a reminder of ​the elemental magic we’ll create together in ​community.

This event is part of Asfeisea©, a year-long ​journey led by Julia, at Souls Center, ​exploring ancient symbols, seasonal cycles, ​and the wisdom of the elements. This study ​invites you to reconnect with the Earth, ​revive forgotten knowledge, and celebrate ​the spiritual teachings that guide us all.

The Fall Equinox marks a time of reflection, ​abundance, and transition. Let’s gather, ​create, and celebrate together, honoring ​the water’s wisdom as we navigate the ​shifts of the season.

Event Details:

Date: September 28th, 2024

Time: 9:30-12:30PM PST

Location: Souls Center Spokane

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Ancestral Awakening - Connecting with and Honoring Ancestors through Mindfulness, Reiki, and Spiritual Practices

I’m excited to invite you to join me this October for a special journey of connecting with and honoring your ancestors. In honor of Samhain, a sacred time to deepen our connection with those who came before us, I’ve designed a five-week program that integrates mindfulness, reiki, and spiritual practices. Whether you know your lineage or are exploring a more spiritual connection, this program offers tools to build a meaningful relationship with your ancestors.

Each week, you’ll receive a video, journaling prompts, and guided practices straight to your inbox, allowing you to move through this journey at your own pace. Plus, you’ll receive a bonus ancestral connection workbook ($33 Value) to support you.

*Week 1: Establishing Connection - Opening the Door to Ancestral Presence

*Week 2: Deepening the Relationship - Communicating with Ancestors

*Week 3: Honoring the Ancestors - Rituals and Offerings

*Week 4: Receiving Ancestral Wisdom - Integrating Their Teachings

*Week 5: Celebrating the Connection - Samhain Rituals and Reflection

Program Inclusions:

  • Weekly emails with a video on the week’s ​focus
  • Journaling prompts and reflections
  • Guided practices integrating reiki
  • A bonus PDF printable ancestral ​connection workbook

The program is just $111, and I can’t wait to ​share this sacred time with you. Let’s ​connect with and honor our ancestors ​together.

Registration Closes 9/30/24

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Join us for a sacred evening of connection, healing, and honoring our ancestors as we celebrate the journey towards Samhain, the Celtic festival marking the thinning of the veil between worlds. This special Reiki and Sound Healing event is designed to help you connect deeply with the wisdom and presence of your ancestors, whether known or spiritual.

This event is open to all, regardless of prior experience with Reiki or sound healing. Whether you’re joining us in person at Soul's Center Spokane or participating online, you’ll be held in a nurturing environment as you connect with the ancient wisdom that flows through your bloodline and spiritual path.

Date & Time:

October 25, 2024

6:00 - 7:30 PM


Souls Center Spokane

707 N Cedar St

Ste 2

Spokane, WA

Suggested Exchange : $35-70

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Guess What?!?!….You can now sign up for ​Level I Shamballa Reiki training through my ​booking site! This four-hour in-person ​training will begin an awakening of a new ​level of empowerment as you receive ​training and guidance on Shamballa ​Multidimensional Healing.


• Investment: $222 (Deposit: $111 to book ​your session. The remainder is due on the ​day of training.)

Shamballa Reiki is a beautiful and loving ​healing modality, and I aim to create ​accessible options for everyone to learn ​and experience its transformative power. I ​can’t wait to guide you on this empowering ​journey!

Book your session today and embrace the path ​to healing and empowerment

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